How long do landrace sativas take to finish???


Active Member
I have some really unique and gorgeous sativas that were planted in March. Most are about 1/2 into flower but two are 10 feet tall and just starting to flower! I’m just making sure im feeding them correctly. Could it be due some being root bound? I’m not too worried and I’ve put in ALOT of work as you all know BUT PLEASE CAN ANYONE WITH EXPERIENCE WITH LONG SATIVAS TELL ME WHAT IS THE BEST FERT I CAN GIVE THEM HALFWAY THROUGH FLOWER AND WHAT CAN I USE FOR ORGANIC PESTICIDE FOLIAR SPRAY? I could really use the help, thanks!!!



Well-Known Member
I did a whole tent grow last year of Ace Seeds Malawi, Golden Tiger, Golden Tiger x Panama(x2) and Killer A5 Haze. The shortest one to finish was my Malawi at 14.5 weeks of 12/12 or less lighting. My others finished around 16w, with my Golden Tiger being the longest at 18.5 weeks. Grew her the year before that and also took the same amount of time, but it is so worth it. Good luck with your gals

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Sativas tend to take longer to start budding as well as run longer. My Laughing Buddha took 16+ weeks, and my Durban close to that. I’m growing Ace Malawi and Golden Tiger now along with Puck, you can check my journal and see how much taller and behind in bud development the golden tiger is compared to the Puck, but she will make up for it in the final weeks.