How long left? How much will i get? [Newb]

She's a Auto Berry Ryder... this is my first ever grow i am 35 days in anyone be able to Guess/estimate how long ive got left till harvest? and has anyone grew a auto berryryder before how much bid did they get? or can any experienced growers guess how much i could get frm her?... Cheers:lol:Berryryder.jpg


Ran a few Berry Ryders. Pulled an average of 2.7 oz dried per, but some were monsters and all were a little thicker and bushier than yours at 35 days. Those first few weeks are crucial with autos (in terms of soil, lights, pot size). I harvested at 62 days, though one went to 67 days. At 35 days mine were into week two of flowering. I'd say you're looking at an 1/2 to 3/4 oz, maybe 1.5 dried if it goes nuts in the next few weeks.

My advice if you run autos again... 5 gallon air pots and some powerful lights. They love it. Yours looks a little stretched but it could still do okay for you. Good luck. I don't know what your lighting schedule is, but I'd be looking to run them a minimum of 16 hours of light per day. I've run autos at 18/6, 19/5, and 20/4. Those are all good amounts of light. You need that extra light to get any decent yield and to take advantage of the very nature of autoflowers. So, just don't be running them at 12/12. Hit them with light the entire grow. Hit them hard.