How long shall i flower her for ??


Well-Known Member
How'dy folks.
Im about to flower my 2.5foot ice lady but have a question that someone should be able to answer fairly easily. How long shall i flower her ???? Time isn't an issue, and she's grown under HPS 400watt'r. :mrgreen:
View attachment 131057

(ps. this is a pic that was taken 3 weeks ago, she's much bigger now and in a 30ltr pot)


Well-Known Member
Depends on the plant. Youll have to determine when its time to harvest based on the plant itself- there is no set "this many days" for flowering. You harvest when its ready. When its ready could vary depending on strain, conditions, light, etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, i'll try my luck and see if i can flower her for as long as pos. Get some big buds off her and listen to some sublime bra:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, i'll try my luck and see if i can flower her for as long as pos. Get some big buds off her and listen to some sublime bra:mrgreen:
Little known fact: Marijuana will grow twice as fast in the presence of Sublime music. :mrgreen:

Good luck!


Active Member
If you have a constricted time range, then you may want to plan ahead. Better to harvest less bud that's ready than harvest more that's not.

If it's not looking complete 2 weeks before your drop-dead date, you can cut your lamp hours to 10/14 to quicken the finishing process.


Well-Known Member
Sweet as. I'll keep that in mind, but really time is not a prob for me, dont mind waiting it out aye :) Cheers!