how long to take when dry hanging your buds?

soldier coleone

Active Member
well im here yet again asking another question im still not that confident yet as this is my first harvest. my bubba kush has been drying for 4 days already buds are not that fat as i was growing with a 150hps but im still happy with them they were smelling pretty dank yesterday like pine-sol mixed with spearmint gum now they smell like fresh cut grass lol is that an indicator that i should start the curing process now i seen on a youtube video a guy with the same size buds as mine and he said in the video it took him 3 days then he put em in jars ill shoot the link if i could find the damn thing again thanks for the help ahead of time

wow you know what i noticed i post alot of q's on here alot i guess i come here to riu cuz u guys answer my ?'s fast i guess this is my new home away from home lmmfao


New Member
When the stems crack when bent it is time to start curing. If they just bend they still need drying time. Hope this helps, Happy Holidays


Well-Known Member
this place is a good home away from home, it all depends on your humidity and temp on how long it will take. just jar them once they feel crispy on the out, gooey on the middle. and everyday like flower mode, 12 hours lid on, 12 hours lid off till they get the way we all like em, i tip my jars over so there is more air volume touching scrumptious dank while lid is off, in my mind it makes for a more even dry/cure...... who knows though


Well-Known Member
If the stims crack when bent it's ready to jar. Jar them and place in a dark area for 12 hours. Give a light roll to the jar to break up the clump they will be in. Open jar for 15 to 30 min. Seal and repeat every 12 hours. You want to keep them at 56-66% RH for the curing. If it drops I put them in the bath room with hot shower to bring it back up. After a week you can change the burping to 15-30 every 24 hrs. The longer you can keep the 60% the better it will be. I go about 30 days then drop the RH to 40% and seal and store the buds in the freezer. And pull out when I want to. Let defrost in jar lid off then purp for 1 day and smoky smoky time.