how long to Veg agent orange


Active Member
I have a 7' ceiling and almost unlimited width with a 1000 mh problem is i dont really understand stretch I've always grown outside so i have not really wAtched a plant during the Veg to know when it is ready to flower


Well-Known Member
depence on how patience you are .. and how long time you got ..

you have enough light and ceiling hight to veg grown mature plants (+8 weeks)

so rather ask yourself .. how many plants do you want to grow .. for how long time/how big (its a pain in the *** to handle monster plants indoors) and how mouch yield per plant you expect ..

I would probably either do 4 plants and let em veg for 8 weeks (plus 2 weeks from seedling to veg = 10 weeks before 12/12)
keep em in 7-10 gallon pots as end pots (cups for seedlings and 3 and 5 gallon along the veg grow)

or do a sea of green .. get a parabolic reflector


let the 1000W spread the light out (schould be possible to keep it high with 1K Watt)
grow +16 plants (4x4) veg. em for a short time (maybe 3 weeks or so)

diffrent here is you either use the 1000W great penetrations to grow 4 high/larges plants or use it to spread it out and grow a lot of short plants with a even canorpy ..

hope this help answer your question ..
which pheno of AO do you have the short bushy blockhead or the tall more resinous phenotype? I've grown both and the tall more resinous is the pheno I kept and is pretty much the desired pheno. It grows like crazy! Litterally you will have to throw that pheno into flower after about a month of veg or it will blow thru your ceilings. Same type of deal with Blue Dream, you just can't veg them very long. The blockhead pheno you can veg for months on end as long as you train it somehow it will just keep bushing out vs stretching thru the roof. Hope this helps.



Active Member
I appreciate all the advice ...all i am doing is four at the present time i am not sure what pheno i have seems pretty bushy but i have topped a couple times plus supercropping n lst ....thinking of sog next time but it just seems to be a much faster is sog and what can i expect the difference to be from 4 regular plants to say 12 sog......good choice or no...thanks all


Well-Known Member
pros and cons would be:

with 4 plants you only use 4 seeds/clones (nice if you buy seeds and don't have a mother/veg room)

you also get the max potential out of em as you can veg em for a long time (I would also do some top/FIM/super crop and/or LST)
and you only have 4 plants to water/take care of/harvest/trim/dry ..

cons would be long veg time = long grow = longer time until you smoke your fist buds ..
and that you will get monsters (hard to handle) and with a long grow time you have a bigger chance to bump in to problems

with a sea of green or similar you will use more seeds/clones .. would be perfect for Ppl. who keep a mother/veg room and can keep fresh veg plants ready for flowering all the time.. as it will help cut the total grow time even more and with a mother you don't have to buy a lot of seeds .. but can still work with out .. just take the cost of seeds in to consideration ..

you will then have more plants to handle but a short grow time with less yield from each plant but in general same yield as from a few bigger plants .. and maybe even more top/dens buds/better buds as you have most of your buds on top close to the light ..

all in all I guess I would choose the sea of green .. even with seeds .. tho then maybe do 9 instead and veg em for 4-5 weeks and top em once .. so its still a sea of green .. but with fewer plants and a little longer veg/grow time .. but with the advances of having most bud sites on top close to the light .. that is the key to great buds indoors .. high stavia plants is for outdoor grow in my opinion low trained indica/indica cross is for indoor ..