How long to Veg?


Well-Known Member
you can flower from seed and get what some people may consider a "decent" yield. Its all about your genetics, number of plants, lights, and the million other variations. No way this question can be answered.


Well-Known Member
You could start flowering them from the start... Any yield is decent in my opinion...

I usually let mine go about a month or two... but i think i will be flowing one of mine at 4 nodes... We shall see... =p


Well-Known Member
u veg them until they are big enough to give u as much bud as u need/want also some plants(haze) will grow during the budding and require little or no veg time so experiment what can happen? not enuff bud then u know 4 next time good luck


Well-Known Member
WTF u can flower from seed i didnt know that so what ur sayiung is if i put a seedling thats is one week old into a 12/12 days they will go into flowerin??


Active Member
you can it usually causes the plant to go into "overdrive" and try to catch up this causes a barky stem but this is how i get my clones started because they root faster you just have to watch them closely and put them in a vegatative room after about 2 weeks or it will start budding also for initial clones this is an awesome way to check the sex of the plant cause if you have it on a flowering cycle when your rooting your clones they show sooner and you will know who can stay and who can go :fire:


Well-Known Member
how many days to veg them depends of what height can you afford to veg them :D i mean that when flowering, the plants atleast double, sativas even triple in size!!! for example: if you have 3 feet of height for the plant and if you are growin sativa, you should force the flowering @ 1' height. but there is nothing to worry about....if they are Out of control, you can easily tie them down (Low Stress Training) and get the situation under control :D ....... daymn...i'm high like shit :D cheers!!!


Active Member
when indoors i stop my vertical growth at 2ft this seems to produce better weed only drawback is the plants turn into little weed shrubs lol but i grow on a scrog you should check into it its badass and makes it more technical which is fun :idea:


Well-Known Member
little weed shrubs is more of what im going for...and i have looked at scrogs but i wasnt sure about it.

i had some 5.5 footers last time but they were way out of control, had to LST the whole time during flowering...i think i over veged for what i had


Well-Known Member
WTF u can flower from seed i didnt know that so what ur sayiung is if i put a seedling thats is one week old into a 12/12 days they will go into flowerin??
Yep,I've tried that out. Got plants about 6"to8" tall but solid bud all the way up. Not worth it in my opinion. Let them get about 6" to 12" tall before switching to12/12 and get a lot more,,,


Well-Known Member
WTF u can flower from seed i didnt know that so what ur sayiung is if i put a seedling thats is one week old into a 12/12 days they will go into flowerin??
putting seedlings into 12/12 1s only practical with haze(or other strains that stretch alot while flowering) most will bud but some will produce less than a pinner per plant good growing:roll:


Well-Known Member
U Veg For 2 months or until the plant gets about 20 inches to 25 it best to be on a 24 hour light period but 18/6 does good to but is a little slower than 24