How long until males pollinate


Active Member
I have 4 plants and still not sure about the whole male/female thing

I get the balls vs pistils thing.

1 I'm 80% sure is male (just by what I've seen here)

What I'd like to know is how long until I can be sure about a plant being male until it pollinates the other (potential) females?


New Member
If you know it is a male then you cut it down right away. When the balls open depends on a lot of variables.
Best to just chuck as soon as possible.
just found male plant in my grow kinda pissed but it was free so cant really cry about it just gonna pull it and keep on keepin" on wih the papaya, lemon skunk, and swazi safari ya feel me SMOKERS......


Well-Known Member
I get them very early, I can see those balls when they are the size of pinheads just forming at the branches. Take no chances, they can open up overnight and cause you instant headaches. I usually work with clones though, but for special reasons I am flowering some from seeded stock atm, it lets me remember why I prefer clones.