how long will rc's be around?


Well-Known Member
they seem to be getting real popular. i want to try them ALL and wonder if the legal status of them will change before i get a chance to. what are your thoughts on this?


Active Member
well the ones that have been scheduled so far have only become that way usually after some one dies from it, Like 2c-t-7.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
It is a matter of playing with timing..

Mephedrone will be illegal far before 2c-e dreams of becoming illegal. Try the ones that have potential to be banned first (jwh-018, mephedrone, etc.).


Well-Known Member
mephedrone seems really fucked up to me, im all for people experimenting with RCs but mephedrone really dosnt appeal to me

but i hate cocaine too so....

i agree with shep and skye; they answered this question fully in 4 lines

IMO RCs will be legal untill they have been tested fully; therefore no longer making them Research Chemicals but known medical or illicit drugs

EDIT: the government does look around on the internet, im sure they know about erowid, so the more they read about our experiences with RCs the more theyll want to look into them


Oracle of Hallucinogens
mephedrone seems really fucked up to me, im all for people experimenting with RCs but mephedrone really dosnt appeal to me
It does not particularly appeal to me either, but I would like the chance to play around with it and see if I can find any therapeutic benefits to it before it is scheduled.

I just used it for an example because there have been lab seizures, scheduling in other countries, and it making news from place to place. It will probably be the next RC banned, get it while you can if you have interest.


Active Member
It does not particularly appeal to me either, but I would like the chance to play around with it and see if I can find any therapeutic benefits to it before it is scheduled.

I just used it for an example because there have been lab seizures, scheduling in other countries, and it making news from place to place. It will probably be the next RC banned, get it while you can if you have interest.
I wouldnt myself but I totally understand this:

Better to get it now and never want it than not get it now then think shit.


Well-Known Member
psychedelics appeal more to me rc wise. ones like jwh-xxx, mephedrone, or cp 55,940 seem uninteresting due to the fact i havent not had weed in a very long time and coke is the only upper ive enjoyed. i know i said "ALL" in my first post. but i guess i meant all the psychedelic ones.

its all about the mind expansion!!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Better to get it now and never want it than not get it now then think shit.

What if that one thing you never got to try went down in history as the best short lived substance, like the new MDMA or LSD.


Well-Known Member
lol if anything had that rep i would definately get some.

you guys know of any that are compared to mescaline? im getting extremely interested in that and was thinking about getting a cutting and making some tea or perhaps even an extraction. if theres an rc like that i might just that a try.

What if that one thing you never got to try went down in history as the best short lived substance, like the new MDMA or LSD.
Yeah I have to agree. There's no person to say how long RC will be around. Take advantage of them now before you wont have the chance though, many of them are more amazing then some of the drugs that are illegal right now.

RC's like Mescaline? I would look for any kind of RC Psychedelic. I can only think of 2c-e right now.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
you guys know of any that are compared to mescaline?

Mescaline can be extracted.. I know of an entheogen supplier that has 3kg bags of San Pedro, you could extract a fuck ton of pure Mescaline HCl very easily (no intricate chem knowledge is required) with very easy to get chemicals.


Active Member
i agree with shep and skye; they answered this question fully in 4 lines

LOL , why does every one call me skye! haha, even when I'm playing games online I get this, Its all good, maybe i should come up with a different alter ego.