How long will roots organic original soil make it?


Well-Known Member
As the title indicates, just got a couple 1.5 cubic feet bags of roots organic original soil, I'm used to running sunshine mix Advanced 4. From what I understand this stuff lasts a few weeks before you need to start fertilizer, how long does it last? And does it work good or what?

Maxman and Fiddler

Well-Known Member
Lots of variables will determine how long roots will go without additional nutes - biggest one is how big your plant is going into the soil. On the average, I get 3-4 weeks out of roots before supplementing.
Roots is good soil but there are batches with fungus gnats in them, not too harmful but a nuisance! Also, you'll want to hit with some Cal Mag once in a while


Well-Known Member
Alot of soils contain gnats.ive had biobizz all mix n light with gnats n even canna soil with n most simple solution is to get gnatrol n add it when you initially soak the soil.


Active Member
I've done multiple runs with roots original and never had gnats. I used black gold one time and got them horribly. As far as the fertilizer aspect I'm not too sure because I supplement with granular ferts. I would think at least a few weeks though, you'll just have to wait until the plant tells you she's ready


Well-Known Member
From seed, 3 weeks

From clone, 2 weeks

Roots is made with a coco base. So make sure you start feeding them when you see signs. They'll wither away quite quickly in this mix as it's very mild.


Well-Known Member
From seed, 3 weeks

From clone, 2 weeks

Roots is made with a coco base. So make sure you start feeding them when you see signs. They'll wither away quite quickly in this mix as it's very mild.
yeah I will be watching them closely, and have an assortment of liquid fertilizer to apply when they start showing some deficiencies. Thanks for the the specifics, going to be throwing my clones in it.


Well-Known Member
yeah I will be watching them closely, and have an assortment of liquid fertilizer to apply when they start showing some deficiencies. Thanks for the the specifics, going to be throwing my clones in it.
This is actually a very weak mix from what I remember. Remember that this is subjective.. Each clone from a different genome is going to vary on how much it will eat.. But the times listed above are the average in my experience. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Im on my first grow with roots organic original soil. I did not start to feed until about 2 weeks into veg and my plants were still green and happy. I would say its pretty close to happy frog soil as far as nutes go, not nearly as hot as ocean forest soil. The other thing i like about roots organics soil is i did nit feel like i needed to add more perilite. I will be using thus soik from now on.


Well-Known Member
I use a combination of FFHF, FFOF and Roots Organic original with some added perlite.

I find that the FFOF is FULL of nutrients, so I just take a couple tablespoons of it and throw them into a gallon jug of water and water it into the mix every time I water.

FFHF has microrhyzae and humic acid and FFOF has a lot of guano and worm castings and all kinds of "meals" .

The problem with FF soils is that hey are very heavy and "hot". You really need to open them up with perlite to get them to drain properly. I like the texture of Roots Organic original, overall. It seems nice and fluffy by comparison. But I like mixing them all together and experiment with different ratios.