How long would u wait?


Active Member
I have a 3 1/2 by 2 1/2 table flood and drain system. As of now the plants are about 8-10 in tall a,d are from a clone, so there mature. My question is how long would u wait till u put them into flower? there under 800watts, 1 hps and 1 halide.


Well-Known Member
It all depends on how much room you have to work with.

How many plants do you have in the tray?


Active Member
the real questions are how much do you want to yeild, how big is your space vertically and what strain are you growing


Well-Known Member
I would vegg them to about 18" to 24 " . I say that because that is what I just did. Six plants in the same size flood table.


Active Member
well i have aout 4 feet up till thay hit the light. i dont know the strain because i am just dealing with what i can get...still nervice about ordering on line.