How long?


Well-Known Member
I find myself thinking this more & more the longer im here but did you even bother to research anything about growing,did you read the grow faq here or anywhere else before plopping a few seeds in the ground ??????

Dude,if your allready asking about seedlings your in for one hell of a dissapointing trip here,growing is alot more than just pokin a seed in a hole,adding water then presto,big sticky buds appear.

I'd reccomend you sit down & do some serious research,look into all areas of growing like how to build a room,determine your budget for supplies such as lighting, water/soil testing,soil amemdments & such,taking the time to do it right before you germinate a seed is the only way to grow,you'll never be able to correct the hundreds of problems your going to run into on your first grow without proper reaserch & planning.

Sorry to be a dick here but somebody needed to say it.


Well-Known Member
I say it's more fun to wing-it...:)
Trial and error taught me more than reading any faq everdid.:p
Don't get me wrong there is some very valuable information on this site. But no need to flame the guy. Everybody has to start some where.


Well-Known Member
But no need to flame the guy. Everybody has to start some where.
I wasnt trying to flame him but i did & still do believe that a reality check was in order,i looked at his past questions before i answered him,from his other questions plus this question i cant see him having an easy go of it unless he starts researching now.

No equipment & no research right from the start is not the best way to do anything right.