how many cuttings can you take off a mother and how many times?


Well-Known Member
Heck.. Ii have a small one. I take 4 then 8 and keep going if the plant is growing.


Active Member
You can keep a mother going till you have buds to the ceiling, and when she finally does start to slip, make a clone the mother, so strain can be kept for literally years.


Well-Known Member
Aren't these plants AMAZING! I'm still looking for "THE KEEPER". It's been a fun adventure this time around. I'm new but I love it!
Agreed. As long as she's growing well, you can take countless clones off her and if you overdo it, turn one of the clones into your new mother and keep going.


So you can literally keep her on veg cycle for Aslong as ya want. Aslong as cuttings aren't overdone. Wicked thanks!!