How many days into flower can you tell if its a male?

Hey I just put all my shit into flower. It's been 4 days my white widows I personal think are showing signs of male or herm traits . Do you think it's to early to tell? All my other plants are I think are females. Is 4 days to soon?


Active Member
Four days is not nearly long enough...don't worry so much about pollinating your females by accident. If you check on your plants every day (or even every other day), you will be able to spot the males long before the pollen sacks open. Even after i see flowers that i suspect to be male, i leave them for another five days or so, until they start hanging then you can be 100% sure its male, and also see if it produces trichs, like some rare males do. If I just pulled plants the instant I thought it looks male, I would have wasted a number of good females...Give it another week or so...:leaf:

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Hey I just put all my shit into flower. It's been 4 days my white widows I personal think are showing signs of male or herm traits . Do you think it's to early to tell? All my other plants are I think are females. Is 4 days to soon?
how long did you veg. them for? usually by 6 weeks of veg. you can tell sex before going to 12/12. although i still dont pull them until i am 100% sure.

in general the longer you veg. or the older the plant is, the faster it will respond to the 12/12 switch and show sex.