How many Dispensaries opened in 2012?

Yea my bad i believe its in cochise az
someone posted an article alittle while back

I think its in the Wilcox/Bouie area. Take I-10 East and go through Texas Canyon by the turn off to Safford. Give or take 20-30 miles
Isnt location a key factor in being successful? They must have forgotten about that......
THis is Halos little brief over at THCFinder

We are the first and only collective in Tucson housed in a building approved by the City of Tucson for a dispensary. We comply with the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (Prop 203).
We currently have 5 indicas, 3 sativas and 3 hybrids of dank meds. Donations range from $15 - $20 gm, $30 - $60 for 4 gram 1/8ths, $70 - $110 for 1/4s. New members make a $20 annual donation and receive 2 FREE grams of our mid-range bud.
This Collective only serves qualified AMMA patients who possess a current, valid MMJ Program ID card from AZDHS.
Any donation requested is for cost of producing and providing medical grade marijuana and not for the sale/purchase of the medicine itself.

yep, expensive but I have no clue of quality
Has anyone been to Green Halo yet? Its a 1hr20 drive and I would hate to waste my time for poor med quality