How many Envirolites for 1,44m2?


Active Member
I looking for good lighting for 120x120 DR box. I decided that it will be original Envirolites 125w (UK) CLV-s.

1. How many of them do you suggest for 120x120 area?
2. "Horizontal reflector is not as efficient as vertical operation with no reflector with this bulb." That wrote Jorge Cervantes in Grow Bible.
What do you think about it? In vertical option should I put bulbs between the plants, or normal positioned directly above, the top of the plants?

Anyway, it will be SOG method to grow. 25 plants in soil.
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Active Member
[FONT=&quot]I already have in home DR120, and almost everything without lighting. Will 5 lamps be enough for this? Better than HPS 600W....? One advantage of 5 125-watt lamps rather than a single 600-watt bulb is that the light is distributed more evenly and there are fewer shadows.
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