How many hours of dark are TRULY needed to induce flowering?


Of course "we all know" cannabis "needs" at least 12 hours of dark to induce flowering, but how true is this?
Could a plant enter flowering with just, say, 11 hours of darkness? or 10 hours of darkness?

If 11 hours of darkness were to be enough, wouldn't it be beneficial for even bigger heavier buds considering the extra hour of light plants would be receiving each day instead of regular 12-12?

Tell me what you think or what you know

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Strain dependant. Some will at like 14. 12 is just a good rull of thumb. Also the more mature the plant is the easier and quicker it will produce it's flower hormones. A plant that was vegged for 10 weeks will likely flower with less extreme of a photo change. It's just so eager to produce those hormones


Well-Known Member
Try it and see, the downside might be less dense or airy buds, but you’ll never know unless you try. That said, I’m sure it’s been tried, and if it worked, you’d think it would be the standard.


Well-Known Member
Rememeber watching a time-lapse video on youtube was only cut the hours back to 12 12 you did see the plants waking up after 6 hours and then going back to sleep again


Well-Known Member
No more than 14, tried and tested outdoor, indoor, whatever.
The major issue is their sensitivity to it, even at 13-14 hours the plant can decide to reveg all of a sudden...
So like said above, 12 is a good rule of thumb, anything above is the exception.