How many lumens do I need?


New Member
I have seen a lot of talk about how much lighting is necessary for a cannabis plant to reach adulthood and provide satisfactory buds, but my question is actually of a different nature. It is my plan to begin growing plants indoors before transplanting them to an outdoor grow site. For ten plants being grown for between 2 and 3 weeks indoors, using CFL lights, how many lumens are necessary? I want to get them off to the best start possible, and feel that it would be disadvantageous for them to be planted in the wilderness directly only to be crushed by mother nature. Thanks to those of you who respond.
No matter how much light you throw at them it pales in comparison to the full sun that's coming. So hardening them off to all things outdoors is the biggest factor. IMO. Anyways so as much cfl as you want to invest in based on budget, future plans for use, etc. I would like to use at least 40 watt ( actual) bulbs and at least five or six of them. Various configurations are shown elsewhere on this site from rows to tighter groups of concentrated light. Have fun with your garden and good luck outdoors!


Well-Known Member
Baby! ... plants never get enough Lumens for a guerrilla grow use red 2700k, to encourage long lanky plants that you bury deep, to get strong roots


Well-Known Member
Right on Hardening off for sun light.
I always say "The more Light the Better"

Good Luck on Your Grow.


New Member
Sounds good. I have a couple of CFLs that are 105 watts so I'll just supplement that with a few more lower watt ones. They're 6500k spectrum so I'll be sure to pick up some 2700k ones ensure they receive the best of both spectrums. :)


Well-Known Member
Yea I use a couple of monster CFL's (105 actual watt) to veg my plant. I found these bulbs in both 5000k and 2700k spectrums. The 5000k bulbs dont put out much heat but for some reason the 105 watt 2700k do. You can scorch the shit out of a plant if it grows into them. I try to get them over the tops, yet still with 1-3"