How many ml per liter for mothers


I have 5 mother plants 2.5 feet high in 5 gallon felt using advanced nutrients sensi ab.
How many mls per liter should I use and approximately how many liters of water per plant should I feed?20181125_130220.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have 5 mother plants 2.5 feet high in 5 gallon felt using advanced nutrients sensi ab.
How many mls per liter should I use and approximately how many liters of water per plant should I feed?View attachment 4238512
Nobody can say water with X amount. It's dependent on various factors. Heat inside the tent, grow medium, size of plants, etc... Plants use more or less water depending on the environment they're growing in. You're the only one that knows the weight of your pots and how dry they are. Learn how to lift the pot and tell by weight or stick your finger in the soil. Next time you water do it until you get a slight amount of runoff so you know they're watered good. Then lift the pot to see what it weighs. After that you'll know what it weighs when the soil is wet. It will weigh much less when it's time to water.

As for the nutrients. There should be a feeding chart. You should typically use less than what it says.


Yeah that's why I'm asking I called advanced and they told me to give 4ml(the max) per liter and I had nitrogen claw for 1st time.


Another question, should felt lots sit directly on the tent floor or should I but something under to allow for drainage/ aeration?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's why I'm asking I called advanced and they told me to give 4ml(the max) per liter and I had nitrogen claw for 1st time.
Yeah I see that on some of the lower leaves. Screw AN, they just want you to buy more of their product. Cut it by at least a third. Some people go an entire grow at 50% of what the feed charts say.


Well-Known Member
Another question, should felt lots sit directly on the tent floor or should I but something under to allow for drainage/ aeration?
It depends. I made a thread about that because I use the fabric pots as well and I raised them off of the cold concrete floor. It's important that the root zone isn't too cold or you will slow down growth. As for drainage and aeration, it won't hurt them to sit on the floor as long as it's not a cold floor. You can just sit them in some kind of container to catch any runoff but you don't want them sitting in any runoff so you'll need to drain that off when it collects. You do not want them sitting in any runoff. Something like this will keep the pots from sitting in runoff and keep them elevated off the floor.
It's not possible for anyone to state water with X sum. It's reliant on different components. Warmth inside the tent, develop medium, size of plants, and so forth... Plants utilize pretty much water contingent upon the earth they're developing in. You're the special case that knows the heaviness of your pots and how dry they are. Figure out how to lift the pot and tell by weight or stick your finger in the dirt. Next time you water do it until the point when you get a slight measure of overflow so you realize they're watered great. At that point lift the pot to perceive what it gauges. After that you'll realize what it weighs when the dirt is wet. It will gauge considerably less when it's an ideal opportunity to water.

With respect to the supplements. There ought to be an encouraging diagram. You ought to commonly utilize not as much as what it says.