How many more days in flower?


Well-Known Member
I'd say they look like they are near the end. How long have they been in flower? Whats the trichs look like?

Illegal Smile

It's all about examining the trichs under magnification.


Well-Known Member
if u can hold off for a week i would suggest cracking the stem on ur main cola(worst than can happen is it starts drying and drying) it'll give ur bottom buds more chance to fully mature. again this is only relevant dependant on strain, i cut my main cola on 1 of my six and sorted the light height out and gotta good yeild from what was left with no cola isssue(23 oz from 6plants today after drying(enuff to burn) but one gave me 6oz alone(la woman). just look for reddish/brown hairs ona bud, if ur here then ya smoked, and if so so then you should know wat ur lookin for. lottsa people will say to check the tricomes but thats sumtimes a lotta hassle even though its the correct way, but like ah said u should know by lookin. p.s. be careful of scientific experts