how many plants under a 600 watt?


hi pple thanks for viewing and answering. ok so this is my first time doing dwc and i a m currently using a 20 g. rubbermaid tote bucket. i have 6 plants and they seem to be really crowding. i am current ly under a 4 ft by 10 inch t5 sunblaze and i am planning on flowering under a 600 watt hps. so plants seem to be really crowding but they are not growing to the spread or what the 600 watt covers .now are there any suggesstions on how to make sure that i get a full canopy for the 600. ?


Yes i must say i was doing the same and did not turn out just to much effort needed to keep the ph and algie down unless the $$$ isnt a prob the go for it i took my 6 out and put them in 3 gal bags and am using Sunshine soil its great not much to do but wait and water my room is 3ft / 5ft and 600 with 2 LED 150watt panels more than enough lum so if you need help with nut or what not let me know


Well-Known Member
i'd say if theyre still vegging and already crowded, theres no way you could flower them in this space since they would at least double in size in flowering. mighta wana spread em apart, use the scrog method or thin them before flowering


Well-Known Member
Use two smaller res instead of a single huge one. You can move them around to cover more area as they grow.