how many plants?


Well-Known Member
You will get a whole host of answers to this question.
(probably including that a 150 is near useless)

I am flowering 3 plants under 2 150's.

The size of the plants is most likely be the limiting factor. Big bushy plants are going to crowd out.

Some sugestions:

Grow clones from a mother. Let these clones be a single cola. (word on the street is the single, non-topped main colas produced the best buds)
This will allow more plants in a space since they will grow up instead of out. I'd say 4 lollipop plants could be done well.

SOG, but that will limit the # of plants. But you will get more buds an they will be spaced out and basically even. (I'll let the SOG boys answer this further) 2 SOG plants?

Overall question is # of plants or yield?

Best o luck man. keep up posted


Well-Known Member
lollypopping the plants is just cutting everything off the lower 1/3rd of the plant, leaving only nugs growing out from the nodes, no side branches.


Well-Known Member
you'd be able to grow 2 nice ones under a 150 i'd have thought - maybe 1.5-2oz each? that's a wild stab, but certainly obtainable.

that's more than i can smoke in 3 months (til your next harvest) thats for sure!