How Many Times Can I Clone?


bubblelicious strain how many times can i clone before quality falls?
i have been taking clones. when i see that they are healthy, i send
mothers on to flowering. should i be keeping one mother from seed?


bud bootlegger
i've heard of people cloning the same plant for years and years with really no noticeable difference in potency or yields or what have you, so you should be solid to clone it for as long as you desire.
its fine to keep a clone plant around for a mother rather than a mother from seed, it really makes no difference as the clone is the exact copy as the mother it was taken from..


Well-Known Member
I too have friends whom clone a clone for 10 years. The only thing I can say is clones grow with less vigor, and are more disease prone. But if your on top of it, it's all good.