How many weeks till harvest opinions

Hey guys it’s been a fun time with my first grow with my auto og Kush and photo white widow . I damn right messed up my widow plant and feel so sad . I think it was when I tried the “ fimming “ method. Idk if it’s spelled like that but I guess she got stunned and stayed short it could have been genetics or I definitely made a mistake. She’s 87 days old . Og Kush is 64 days old . I think they look pretty healthy they might look like they’re sick or not I think it’s good for my first time I went into try methods without hesitation to learn more of what I should do next time . I appreciate all the help from everyone that helped in my other posts and the ones that are gonna help in the future .they both started to swell all cute and I’m just interested in to know from other growers experience how much will I be waiting till harvest by vision . I will try to capture the best pictures I can . White Widow is the taller one . I can’t wait to learn drying and curing process . It’s crazy I can now have my own medication and not have to worry about shady dealers