while looking at other posting I am finding this topic has been asked however only in unrelated posts as i wish not to hijack anybody's previous posting and hoped to up to date info I would like to ask the members what they pay or in some cases how as I have seen free and am baffled. I believe I will be looking for a new DG as the one I was paired with has not returned a call since I was pair with him in November. I would have grown it myself however I have been in and out of hospital due to an upcoming surgery to remove the cancer. While my doctor was supportive he had told me he had had very limited info on this drug and suggested with his support to apply and see someone who was more knowledgeable as I had never used this prior and was outside of my moral compass at that time however the pain was only relived by using and help my appetite as I have lost over 90 pounds in 3 months I wonder also if I could increase my limit without from what I have read paying more Doctors. Also what steps should I take in future to assure that my DG will come through?