How much bud on a cola??


Active Member
My plant is 1 month into floweing and i have about 20-30 colas growing out the main stem. Im wondering how much bud will be on each cola? :leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
There a lot of factors which determines that. Nobody here can tell you. You'll just have to wait and find out when its finished by weighing it.


Active Member
There a lot of factors which determines that. Nobody here can tell you. You'll just have to wait and find out when its finished by weighing it.
Thats true, i just wanted a ballpark estimate, lets say very minimum of what a cola would make. The anticipation is killing me aha


Well-Known Member
i am not sure if multipul colas on a plant produce much more if any more wieght
than a single cola
single colas are larger and fater than multipuls
and a plant can only produce so much
just a thought