How much bud to expect from this 5ft plant?(PICS)


Active Member
This is my silver haze plant it's a little over 5 foot right now and i think maybe around 3-4 weeks budding. i'm not really sure what stage its in b/c i've never grown a plant all the way threw. theres about 4 months left in ohio i think.
i was wondering how much bud you'd think i'd get from this plant if i put it in the ground in a spot where it gets about 10 hours of direct sunlight a day?
also if anyone could tell me how far along it looks and how much longer it will take? Not quiet sure because i know sativa's take longer.


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Well-Known Member
if there is 4 months left in your area of season, how much of that are u expecting before your plants ready?


Active Member
Yes you should stake that down so that beautiful girl doesn't fall over....since silver haze haze its genetics in mostly a sativa background id say it has a good month and a half 2 months will be worth the wait, don't get greedy and harvest early u will be rewarded with patience my friend...and as far as how much that bad ass pot plant you got going is gonna produce id say a little more than 3 quarters of a pound...keep us posted, id like to see the process...i hope i could help.


Well-Known Member
Your harvest depends entirely one the every single moment from now till then! Could be anywhere from a couple oz's to 3/4 pound. Depends on the work you put in, the weather, your patience level and experience level, your lifestyle, where exactly it is (if someone finds it, its gone), whether or not animals get to it... but prepare for the worst and hope for the best mate... she is cute... why the crookedness?


Well-Known Member
in my exp. that plant looks as if it has either alotta morning or late sun....mine did that for awhile, pulling towards the light....i dunno tho i cant really thing to do is turn your pot 180 degrees until it pulls the other way....if this is the problem that should fix i do believe it does need some stakes....not in the actual pot might damage the the deep is your pot? at first glance it kinda looked a lil big for the pot but if its a 5 gal then no worries in my opinion


Well-Known Member
yeah thats a nice lookin should try gettin it some extra supportso when budding times come the buds won't hold tha plant down.and yeah qp-hp should be expected,mayb try toppin it,nd get two nice cola's


Well-Known Member
It looks like you have red dirt is it red dirt or is it just the light of the pic? im not talking about in the pot but the dirt on the ground