How much bud will I get from my plants?


I have plants set up indoors in a constant room temp. of 75F and a humidity of around 50-60%. I water them 2-3 times a day, and keep them under 3 flourescent "desk" lamps and 1 day-time flourescent bulb for 18 hours a day. Currently they are about 5-8inches tall and have been growing for roughly a month. I am about to change the lighting to 12light/12dark, and am curious to know how much bud I can expect from each plant if they are only 7"tall on average. Also, if anyone could also help me out with when to look for male/female identifiers, thatd be awesome


Well-Known Member
1. There is no way for us to tell you how much you will get off your plants.
2. Watering 2-3 times a day is way to much. I water 2-3 times a week.
3. You will not get diddly shit if you are keeping them under crappy lights like it sound like you have.
Read read read and then read some more before you start growing these plants. They are not like most other plants where you can just give them soil light and water and they will do their thing, no they need pretty specific conditions to grow some good smoke.