How much cannabis should i use to make edibles?


New Member
Someone here must know?! I tried making brownies and literally felt nothing, so I ate another two and it knocked me out!

I'd like to be about to get the concentration right so that I can medicate with my edibles but the experience is edible and I can function and still get stuff done.

Any pointers?


peace and love


Active Member
I like the "peace and love" LOL.
Umm... it has a whole lot to do with tolerance and how good is your weed? So if we are assuming a 10% THC level, and you decarb your pot at 225 degrees farhenheit for at least 20 minutes, and then you slow simmer it in ghee or real butter or coconut oil for 4 hours, you then can strain or just leave your well blended plant matter in it, and it should take about 1/2 gram to feel it and maybe 1.5 grams to get where your trying to go. But of course, your mileage may vary? Start low and work up. Just don't expect that 1/8th you got from the guy in the hoodie in front the courthouse to do more than get you high once or twice.
Personally I use a magic butter machine, and I like to run 16 grams of weed to 2 cups of butter (tastes better than coconut oil and less irritating on the gut) and then each stick of butter (1/2 cup) I make 8 0.5 gram servings. I find for me 1 gram is nice, 1.5 grams takes care of business. All depends on your use. Good luck. And err low, we don't need anymore bad press because some dumb ass ate a whole pan of brownies and has no tolerance and then ends up in the ER because of a harmless "overdose" bullshit.


Well-Known Member
"how much booze can I drink? I drank one shot and I felt nothing, two shots knocked me out"

duhh, try eating another one instead of two maybe? or 1.5, or I was thinking maybe 1.375 brownies is maybe the perfect dose for you or you could go as high as 1.75 more after you feel nothing from one.


New Member
Here are a few ways of ensuring you get the best out edibles as safely as possible …

Start Small, Start Slow - Micro Dosing
A simple yet often forgotten piece of advice. Everyone has a different endocannabinoid system (ECS), and edibles can easily kick this system into over (or under) drive. I have even seen long-time users have their asses kicked by edibles.
The best way to avoid a bad experience is by using edibles with a low amount of THC/CBD in them, and eating them in small pieces over a long period of time. The entire brownie needn’t be eaten all at once! Split the brownie up into quarters, and eat it over several hours to see what effect it has on you. You will likely find the effects to be more pleasant and tolerable this way!

Make Your Own Instead!
Granted, when you’re buying edibles, it could be said that the amounts of THC and other cannabinoids are carefully measured and labeled on the packaging. However, this is a simplification at best, and there have been lots of stories of mislabeled mass produced edibles. The best way to avoid this is by using a small amount of marijuana flower and making your own oil or butter.

Making your own marijuana oil or butter is also likely to retain the strain’s cannabinoid and terpene profile. You see, one of the main reasons why edibles with even small amounts of THC in them can have such overwhelming effects is because they are mass produced. This means THC is extracted and refined (usually using CO2 extraction), with all the other terpenes removed. This is effectively similar to the difference between getting your sugar intake from fruit (naturally occurring sugars), or getting your sugar intake from a candy bar (processed sugars). This is one of the reasons why sativa strains that are processed into purified THC and made into edibles have such different effects from vaping them.

Also, I'd advise using flower rather than hash oil for baking, for the reasons. Hash oils don’t usually have as many terpenes as flowers – terpenes which have massive effects on the effect you want to achieve. Using flowers means that the fat in butter and oil is more likely to retain the terpenes and cannabinoids you want.

I hope that helps, feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
Dr Frank


Well-Known Member
7 grams if enough for a batch of brownies, i infuse olive oil and just use ready mix brownie or cookie box that calls for oil in the recipe always start small and increase on the next batch

I made a batch with 2 zips of flower and 10 grams of keif and a brownie the size of a loonie would mess you up for a day or two and not just bizzed absolutly wrecked