How much could I yeld??


Well-Known Member
Just a curious question here,I have 23 plants a lil over 3 months old,harvesting bout Oct.Most of my plants are bout 14 inches high with one being 21 inches,an a couple at 10 inches.I don't have em sexed yet as they havent shown any signs yet as far as I can see.I do know about the 1:1 ratio as far as sex in cncerened.So if that holds true I should have bout a dozen females after it's all said an done.Would anyone have a rough idea about how much I will or could yeld by season's end??


Just some idiot
Too many variables to guess, the fact that you don't know sexes yet is the real whammy. And it's not 1:1 ratio it's lower, don't forget the hermies. So that would be 1 in every can throw that right out the window though. Why don't you clone those bad boys/girls and determine which to keep, it frees up room and light. Just clone veg them until they look like they are healthy, then take those clones and put them on a 12/12 schedule and find out the sexes. Make sure you label them, I had a buddy who forgot...he was so happy cuase he got a ton of females but he couldn't remember which plant the females came from. Good luck!!!

What strain?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm growing outside so I ain't worried bout the light an there's plenty of room in the tall grass(I got a clearing in the middle that u can't see till ur there)I dunno what strains I got cause it was jus stuff I was smokin that seemed really good.So it's 3 in 1 huh...damn that's shitty but even at that I'd have 7 or 8 females.Cloning huh?? I have no idea how


Just some idiot
I think it's one in three, some guys on here may know better than me. Males, feamles, hermies, not sure if you have the same chance for all or not. You're going to have a nice harvest with all those plants growing outside...puff puff