How much do you smoke per week???


Well-Known Member
just wondering how much every one is smokeing, because i thought i was doing alot at a ounce a do to money being short im down to a half a week..


Well-Known Member
well i use a one hitter so when i do have some fire i can go through about a qtr a week. depends how good it is. when i was younger ive blazed an oz a week, but i learned that wasnt the way to go money wise


Well-Known Member
It depends on the week.
This week, I've probably smoked only a gram.
Last week, probably half of a gram.

I've been busy as hell.
As soon as Christmas rolls around, I'll be back up to my average of 2-3 grams a week.


Well-Known Member
I used to think smoking alot of pot made me look ugly bad skin dark cirlces under the eyes but since i havent had anywhile its the god dam cigs fuck i just want to look pretty for the shallow bitches.. ugh and its impossible to quit this shit


Well-Known Member
I hear ya flat...Ive tried "quitting" everyday this week.. I can only make it until gets dark. But I smoke about an 1/8 a day. Any more than that and it's cutting into my bank and I cant have that!


Well-Known Member
I don't even smoke that much, so probably about 1-3 grams a week maybe? it's really pretty much on the weekends that I smoke when I don't have to worry about anything much. it's a good way to end a week and begin a weekend :bigjoint:

and also, this is if i even have weed. I think that's gonna change though, I just found another more reliable dealer that I was good friends with at one point. we're still cool, we just didn't talk to each other for about 4-5 years. he actually has GOOD stuff too, as opposed to what i was getting prior (mids for the most part. stuff that would give me a headache and get me high for about a half hour, and then I would start coming down and I'd get all depressed).


Well-Known Member
dam you guys be token a ton
i have like 1 or 2 bowls a day during the week, lot more on weekend
go threw about an 1/8th a week
once i get my tomatoes done though i b rolling blunts like mad lol
just not money for that right now


Active Member
I try to conserve and I don't like to get my tolerance built up so probably like 2-3.5 grams a week of either shit that I grow or at least some kind of strain going around this area. Around here good shit is way too expensive to afford smoking a lot, and right now I'm in a place between not being able to afford smoke, being in debt, and not being able to harvest as often or as much as I'd like.


Well-Known Member
I try to conserve and I don't like to get my tolerance built up so probably like 2-3.5 grams a week of either shit that I grow or at least some kind of strain going around this area. Around here good shit is way too expensive to afford smoking a lot, and right now I'm in a place between not being able to afford smoke, being in debt, and not being able to harvest as often or as much as I'd like.
I know what you're saying about the prices. this kid I know was trying to sell me california kush for $40/g. in my eyes (and I hope everyone elses) that is out-fucking-rageous for any strain of weed. ANY.


Active Member
lately i havent been going thru as much goes i got a half of skunk #1 and 1 bowl will keep me high for hours. about a quarter a week

x Ganja x King x 420

Active Member
i sell headies and sometimes i have to sell it for 60 an eighth but this shit will keep you stoned out of your mind for 2-3 hours so ive been smoking only about 1/8-1/4 a day but i have really high tolerance to weed