How much does weed cost in BC?


Hey guys im soo traveling to British columbia next month and wondering if anyone knows the weed prices over there??


Ursus marijanus
I think step 1 is finding someone local who will sell to you. Then you'll know more about prices. This site can't and won't help with step 1 ... that is left as an exercise to the reader. cn

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm looking to move out there for a couple of yeas in the next 2 or 3 months for some skiing and travelling, my former flatmate is already out ther and he is picking up weed comparable to what i grow for just over $1000 a pound :) I know, one would therefore make the assumption that maybe i grow shit weed, which i hate to say but i don't, so it has me rather excited about the whole trip :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Second one is a link to the BCMP wiki page, what does that have to do with his quesiton?

OR maybe you mean the 4th one as it comes upto me, which is a 4 year old link.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well if links are different to each person and you won't actually type the info you are looking at then your posts are of absolutely no use to anyone but yourself ;) Think about.

And no, i'm not high, i am capapble of noticing a lack of useful information when i see it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I am fully aware what you stated. We is plural. So who else are you referring to? Becuse it's not me. You've contributed zero of value towards the OP's question.


Well-Known Member
It's easy to find weed in Van. as it is the biggest crop the provence has.

"There's evidence that indicates as many as 400,000 British Columbians that are regular consumers of marijuana. When they are possessing it, they're breaking the law and yet it seems that that's tolerated," he said.
"We like to think that in Canada we live in a society governed by the rule of law, but if one in 10 British Columbians exist outside that … it's almost kind of a joke to think that we truly believe in the rule of law when we are willing to tolerate behaviour that is, on the face of it, unlawful."
The former attorneys general join four former Vancouver mayors and the Health Officers Council of B.C. in their endorsement of Stop the Violence BC’s call to legally regulate the sale of marijuana under a public health framework.


I'm looking to move out there for a couple of yeas in the next 2 or 3 months for some skiing and travelling, my former flatmate is already out ther and he is picking up weed comparable to what i grow for just over $1000 a pound :) I know, one would therefore make the assumption that maybe i grow shit weed, which i hate to say but i don't, so it has me rather excited about the whole trip :)
I would like to know where your buddy gets it for just over $1000.00 must be total junk because it goes for 2000.00 to 2500.00 for ripper stuff.


Well-Known Member
I would like to know where your buddy gets it for just over $1000.00 must be total junk because it goes for 2000.00 to 2500.00 for ripper stuff.
Pretty much. You can get outdoor for a little over a 1000. It can be an excellent deal, but usually you get what you pay for. The outdoor season here is short and not particularly amazing.

Was a good year this year though..


Well-Known Member
Also - to the OP, since you're not likely looking for a whole unit, expect to pay 100-200 a zip depending on who you can find. Maybe a touch more.