How much electric is to much??how many lights are to much?how many do you use?


Active Member
I was wondering how much electric is used by most people i mean how many lights do you run how many have you ran before? Has anyone ever been contacted by police or elec. Company? I run 6 lights all together 600watters so i was wondering do any of you run more then that or have in a 2,000 sq ft or so house. This mainly goes out to the people running lots of lights because i would like to stay under a certain amount i think my ac is ganna jack it up real high next month so i would def feel better knowing that a lot of people have ran more lights then me better safe then sorry. Thanks in advance for all replies.


Well-Known Member
It depends how many people live in a household.

3600 watts? Or 3.6 kWh. That's not much, to be honest. A good central AC is at least half that(cheap ones are 1/4th of that). Or 36 x 100 watt light bulbs. Average house has around 14-16 bulbs, there's half of that. TVs, PCs, fridge, oven, etc. You get the idea.

Pay your bill, and don't worry about it. You're not doing anything wrong.


Well-Known Member
It depends how many people live in a household.

3600 watts? Or 3.6 kWh. That's not much, to be honest. A good central AC is at least half that(cheap ones are 1/4th of that). Or 36 x 100 watt light bulbs. Average house has around 14-16 bulbs, there's half of that. TVs, PCs, fridge, oven, etc. You get the idea.

Pay your bill, and don't worry about it. You're not doing anything wrong.

100% agree with this, cops don't raid your house merely on Electricity consummation as it's been said many times over if you are to be questioned regarding you electricity though just say you host servers for online games.