How much longer do you think?


Active Member
I am aware that nobody can tell me exactly how many days it will be til I should harvest but just give me an estimate, this is my first time growing and I just wanted to know what to expect 5? 10? 15? 20 more days?

Also, how much weight (percentage) should I expect these buds to gain beween now and then?

Thank you all, very helpful all grow long



Active Member
Just a guess... It has been 7 weeks flowering, under 9 26 watt cfls, just want to know around how many more days...


Well-Known Member
Id say 5 - 10days... anywhere in there should be good...

No idea what sort of weight those few extra days would put on... sorry.


Active Member
Thanks for the response, exactly what i was looking for, an estimate...

Another question I had is about molasses. I didn't use it at all during the flowering stages, should I use it in this final week or so or not?


Well-Known Member
I don't see any glands on your bud leaves, so you might have a sativa and a while (5-8 weeks) to go. Mine are always quite frosted well before 7 weeks, but I guess that could be strain related.
I guess it could be your pics? Below pic about 30 days in 12/12.


Active Member
If it was a sativa with 5 weeks left would a small portion (10 %) of the pistils still be turning brown/red?


Well-Known Member
Get some better quality pics.

No don't use molasses this late in flowering if your harvesting in a week, this should be the week your flushing them to get rid of all the toxins etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the pistils could still be turning despite of type. Mine retract and it's hard to find any trace of them by harvest time. I'm totally basing my opinion on the lack of grease on those small, upper leaves. It's hard to let her go too long, and easy to jump the gun.


Active Member
The only camera I have is an old camcorder, those pics are the best I can do, I picked those 3 as the best out of about 15. I need to know if its going to be 10 days or 5 weeks because I need to know if I should flush it or not.


Well-Known Member
Get a microscope and check the trichs. If there all are milky its not ready yet unless you want a energetic high but should have a mix of about 50/50 milky and amber. That is the only real way to say if its ready or not.

Looks like its pritty fat so I am still going with my original estimate of 5 - 10.


Well-Known Member
Old school growers used the amber hair method to judge when to harvest. The plant will let you know when, u just have to know what to look for. The strains will usually have a guide as to when they are ready. Most of the indicas I see are 7-9 weeks. The boys at greenhouse preach to go the extra week for maximum thc and canabanoid build up. I say use all the methods and you can not go wrong. Go to radioshack and get the mini microscope. There are sticky's on here that will show you what to look for.


Well-Known Member
it looks to me like you have at least 2 weeks to go, but theres too many variables for my guess to be worth much. Just remember, your weed will fatten up the most in the last couple weeks. When in doubt, wait it out!!!


Well-Known Member
I am aware that nobody can tell me exactly how many days it will be til I should harvest but just give me an estimate, this is my first time growing and I just wanted to know what to expect 5? 10? 15? 20 more days?

Also, how much weight (percentage) should I expect these buds to gain beween now and then?

Thank you all, very helpful all grow long
i would carry on for 1 week.
then flush for 7 to 10 days.

what strain?.


Active Member
To be completely honest, I have no idea the strain. For about a year I had kept all my seeds, from random 20 bags and eigths, and put them in a jar. Then over the summer I just tried to germinate a few random seeds from that jar and presto, this seed easily outgrew all the rest (About 5 seeds cracked but the one I used had almost an inch of growth after 4 days of germination, I was impressed to say the least.)
The first week or so of veg the plant was under a single incandescent until I realized that it was actually growing. Since then I have been using this site, got some cfls, some better soil, nutes, ect.... So I have no idea what strain it is. This whole process has been fun and a worthwhile experience, not to mention I hope to get at least a little "free" bud out of it.
The bottom leaves on the plant made me believe that it was an indica, but as the plant grew the leaves began looking more and more sativa. So with my limited knowledge I have no idea what kind of a mix it could be or if this is normal or what kind of strain it could be. The pistils turn an orange color, not purple, white, or really dark brown colors that I have seen from other plants but once again this doesn't mean anything to me other than I know its not something crazy like white widow or purple kush.


Active Member
To have thicker, more indica looking leaves at the bottom?
And thinner, more sativa looking leaves on the top half?


Well-Known Member
I am aware that nobody can tell me exactly how many days it will be til I should harvest but just give me an estimate, this is my first time growing and I just wanted to know what to expect 5? 10? 15? 20 more days?

Also, how much weight (percentage) should I expect these buds to gain beween now and then?

Thank you all, very helpful all grow long
I would say 3 weeks at the most.They should firm up and fatten up a bit more yet. Showgirl