how much longer until I should harvest?? PLZ HELP


I switched to 12/12 on July 14, and they started shooting out hairs on July 20. Here's some pics from today and yesteday.


Do they look normal for there age?? Also when do you think I will be able to chop em?


Well-Known Member
they look very nice, you need to get a scope to look at the trichs to know when it's time to harverst. i am guessing another month. I see all white hairs. When about 70 percent are amber is when you know its time.


yeah some of the hairs are definately turning brown. But like 1/15 though. What do you think these will yield?

srry the pics are taken with my cell phone


thnks guys, the one with the thicker hairs, and leaves is sensi star, and the one with the thinner leaves and less thick buds is acapulco gold. theres two other plants in the back (they look awful) that a friend gave to me but didnt take care of them