How much nutrients to go back after leaching the soil

So iam growing 10 swis cheese right now.That i got from a seed bank grow them.Then threw out all the males. Then only keep the best two females. And made mother plants from them. And started to grow them. So iam in 2 months of veg now. And i just recent about two weeks ago leched them to get ride all the build up. Because i was haveing a lock out. But ones i did that there was a bunch of new growth look good. But for some reason when. They dryed out i wanted to give them a bunch of nutrients. And i gave way to much and there was another mass yellowing on the bottom leaves and middle and tip where a little browned. I gave them like 900ppm of my nutrients with is
Bcuzz A 2ml
Bcuzz B 2ml
Revive 1ml
Cal-meg 1ml
Bcuzz growth 1ml
Bcuzz bloom 1ml
Bcuzz PK-13 1.5ml
All the ml are for per liter of water. Witch iam using tap water that has a start ppm of 100. And i ph my nutrient mix at 6.5 for my soil. So after this happen i waited for it to dry out and leached it again with a 20% runofff. I have five gallon pots and gave them 2 gallons of water with final flush. Did this the first time to get ride of the lock up. Oh why i gave it all that shit even the things you would use in flower. Because i was going to go into flower two days later. But not now until they are all healthy and green again. So my big question is should i just keep watering them with stright water for the next water to. Are do like a half strength watering like 500 ppm. Are just go back to 700ppm like i was using for later stages of veg. But any help would be cool. And if you have a answer i like to know. And the reasons you would do a half batch are back to a full strength. I want to understand why.Oh i put some pics to. I put pic of some leaves they look small.So i didnt know if there was a deficiencies . Are it mite just be the strain. PIC_1027.jpgPIC_1028.jpgPIC_1029.jpgPIC_1030.jpgPIC_1031.jpgPIC_1032.jpg