How much should I pay to get my card in California?


Well-Known Member
I was looking at some clinic on Leafly and saw very different prices. Some were $40 for new patients and some were $99 for new patients. I'm a new patient btw. This one place says $60 for new patients and $120 for new patient consultation for ADHD. What does the consultation even mean? I have really bad ADHD and the sleeping problems that come with it so I will be using ADHD and sleeping problems as my reasons or whatever, so do I automatically have to pay an extra $120. Can anyone explain what the consultation is and how much I should pay for a card in Southern California?

If you could recommend a good clinic in the Inland Empire or eastern LA area that'd be awesome too.


Well-Known Member
I believe they're called 420evaluations, you can look them up online. Should only cost you 40 to 60 as a first time patient and as far as the consultation...that's just the doc talking to you and reviewing your medical history and whatnot. I know a few people who've used the 420evaluation and haven't had a problem.


Well-Known Member
If you want marijuana to help with your ADHD then get the evaluation that way you find out how it helps.
If you just want to get high then go cheap.
Personally I like the way it's changed my life and I see the same Doc every year.

Legal in AK

Active Member
If you are just a patient any place that does them for $50 will work. If you plan on being a caregiver make sure you go to a legit doc, my and my GF saw a $50 doc in Sacramento (on different days), we both saw the same doc, but the doctor on our cards was different. I have a feeling he wasn't a legit doc(he had no knowledge of cannabis law in CA, yet was writing scripts) but I doubt anybody will care.