How much time between pre-flower and pollen?


Well-Known Member
A few days ago one of my 4 week old plants showed its first female pre-flower. The next day most of the rest f the plants began too show. I have one confirmed male at this point but still have several plants that are unconfirmed. What is the minimum amount of time that could pass between male pre-flower development and pollination? I know that it would be best to simply remove the male plants as they begin to show sex but for security reasons I would rather get rid of all of the males in one go, rather than drive around with garbage bags full of dope all the time.


Well-Known Member
i just give mine to the garbage man...:mrgreen:

if you are in flower they could open any day now. i have had them open in veg if you dont want to keep them just remove and wait to get rid of them all together.


Well-Known Member
i pull da bigger balls that look like they gona burst off....therefore removing the pollen before it flies free!u can only do this for da first few weeks!!as the male developes, to many of those balls stand a chance of bursting.