How much to grow for two- three pounds???


Active Member
I'm looking to grow at least two pounds though I'd realy like to grow three pounds, my legal amount. Right now I'm growing 12 plants under 1000 watt hps in three gallon pots. does anyone have any advice?


Active Member
It is hard to say. I guess I was thinking mabey some people can share what they were able to yeild and how
Mabey then I can get the idea of how much and how. :-)


Well-Known Member
It is hard to say. I guess I was thinking mabey some people can share what they were able to yeild and how
Mabey then I can get the idea of how much and how. :-)
hey bro, a sure way to increase your total yield is longer veg time combined with lst(bending and tying) and a fim or two in there in order to maximize the budsites and the strength of the root system, also larger final pots will help you on your way to getting the weight you want. 1 g per watt is not un doable but you will want to be prepared.

if you can let them veg for 6-8 weeks or more depending on your space issues you can fill your whole lighted space with canopy.

are you using soil? i suspect so, if you dont have any king of growth enhancer for veg and bloom id get growtek monster bloom and grow and a good veg nute and bloom nute and some sort of yield enhancer in budding later on like budmeister
also using molasses from weeks 3-? in bud will ad weight and flavor as well as increase the metabolism of the plant


Well-Known Member
ya bro if this is your 1st bout 2-3 pounds under 1 lamp regardless of wattage wont happen. under a 1000watter after a couple of cycles and good genes u should be able to pull between a pound and 2. all depends on veg time of those 12thou. u cant have to many monsters under 1 lamp unless u get a light mover, so itll be some kinks working to get closer to goal. just do wut u can, and youll get there.

im pulln round a pound per 1000watter.


Well-Known Member
id say deff veg as long as you can space wise, do you know the genes of these plants ( are they a 2-3x stretch plant or do they stay compact after 12 12)
are you going to be able to spread them out more later on when they get bigger? if you have 6 ft of rail for the light mover id say you should try to use the full length of the rail even if you have to go with 2 plants side by side spread a little farther apart and possibly tied down a bit.
if your are going to veg a little longer i strongly implore you to fim your plants onece now and then veg for 2-3 more weeks while tying the tops down a bit to make the plant bush out. at least you could fim 3-6 of them to see the difference in yield though at the end you will wish you had done them all
just a thought


Well-Known Member
Add another 1000 watts and it would be easily doable, I think you will probably get close to 1.5 pounds with the current setup.


Active Member
Cool I did fim them. Well most of them anyway and the ones I did are bushes now. The ones I dident fim have a huge stalky stem right up the middle. I'm just going to keep in veg one more week that will be six weeks of veg and the tallest one is over two feet already and the shortest one is 18 in. I guess I'll find out in the end thank you all for your feedback

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
great thread bro i enjoyed it, i am thinkin of doin a little closet grow since i tore down my set up do to im thinkin of changin the scenery around me lol, goin a bit larger then you and my goal is 2 pounds every 2 months, will do easily but this thread gave me alot to think about, trial with that vertical grow shit especialy !!

great thread