How much weed do you smoke a day???


Well-Known Member
How much weed do you go through on avererage? Give how much you smoke, in what period of time ex. day,month,week.....And also post what the retail, "street", value of what you smoke is around your area! I smoke some decent buds with my fiance and stay high from morning till night EVERYDAY. Prob smoke a good 5-6 bowls a day. I try to get a half oz, and make it last a week, but that ussually only lasts 5 maybe 6 days most. i pay 150$ for a half oz of no-name generic nuggets. Good ass headies are 2-220 for a half here. POST YOUR STATS GUYS AND GALS!!!

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
i pay 145 for a half zip and 45 for an 1/8 for namebrand shit here in the rocky mountain zone. I smoke about 2-3 bowls every weekday (depending on whether i have important shit to do that day) and double that on weekends. I can go through an 1/8 in 3-4 days on my own which is nothing compared to some people on here i bet!


Prolly smoke round half oz a week payin 150. just startin to get good shit here in aus again! woohh hoooo!


Well-Known Member
About an Oz a week. Reg weed though, $100-$150 in the Midwest. Looking to upgrade to high quality. I'll let ya know if I can get through an Oz a week of that ;)


Well-Known Member
lol sometimes i think it would be easier to down a ounce of headies in a week than an oz oh shwag lol. I have to succomb to shwag once in a while cuz im laid off and lookin for a job, but iv been trying to get by on a 1/2oz of nug instead of my usual oz of dirt per week


Active Member
1/8 over 2 weeks (only smoke on weekends). I take it easy.
Im hell sensitive to the stuff,
3 cones and I start moving in strobe, feel water dripping off of my elbows and hands, and win staring contests indefinitely.
Only takes me half a cone to get "stoned".
Any more than that and things start gettin trippy.


Well-Known Member
wow smoking is nothing to me! maybe cus i smoke cigs too! i go through an ounce of headies in a week... usually diesel and sometimes blueberry(not the original dj short strain though:( ) a lid is expensive where i live and thats the exact reason i got in really good with my bud who also grows and occasionally sells his stash to pay for his equipment and electric bill! i pay 275 for a zip but he charges 450. i do have to say it is preemo nugs tho! if i have to resort to mids(after i buy and smoke everyones heads) i go through alot more cus at that point im smoking blunts not bowls, bout a ounce and a half a week, well thats shit is $120 an oz. so you figure it out... i live in the new england part of the states


Well-Known Member
between an 1oz and 1 1/2oz a week id guess.... mids are 80 a oz... smoke em between harvests if i cant find any doedy around.... 350 a oz for shit like chemdog, crystale, bobblekush.... pretty much gotta stay high all day everyday.... helps with pain and stress which helps control my seizures....

got some dank looking crystale 35 days into flowering going right now... got loads of pics in my journal in you are interested... take a look... links in my sig..



Well-Known Member
Well doesn't this just make me feel like quite the high-on, If i have it I can go through 1/2 - 1 oz a day. lol.

if its mids ill smoke about that much.... smoke a few packs of blunts and there goes an o.. so i feel ya... just thinking on average with the good shit figured in.... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
damn i thought i smoked a lot lol!!! i see dollar signs goin up in smoke...anybody else care to share? wow nice ass buds simpson420!!!


Well-Known Member
does anyone know the prices of prescription medical marijuana? is it cheaper if you get it legally? im in wisconsin and have never been anywhere with legalized pot before, much less smoked any.


Well-Known Member
Well, first off i grow my own weed, and what i do is keep two plants in veg, and two in flower, when my flowering plants are done, i put my two veg plants into flowering because theyre ready, so that supplies me with smoke, EVERY MORNING I WAKE UP, I WEIGH OUT 2 GRAMS FOR THE DAY AND THAT KEEPS ME HIGH AND A HALF OUNCE WILL LAST ME SEVEN DAYS ON THE dot


Active Member
I usually smoke everyday... about a bowl or two. I usually buy some danks for around 50 an 8th and try n make it last as long as possible... sometimes a month sometimes a week. Lost my grinder on saturday so i may be taking a time out untill i find it =(


Well-Known Member
That sucks man.....Did it still have buds in it when you lost it?.....sometimes i can take a good one-hitter and hold that shit in till i blow out no smoke and hack up a lung!!! that buzz will last me a couple hours from some good shit! Sometimes im high as hell and smoke the rest of the bowl just cuz its there, so one-hitters help me save weed wen im low

grow space

Well-Known Member
i smoke whenever i can but know i have kickin it off because i have ecxames goming up-so no smoke untill the summer-uuujeeee...........