how much will this cost to run and how hot?

i would be running 340 actual watts of cfls and probably like 3 osicllating fan cost. I get charged 0.0864 kwh. Also i would be growing 2 9 week autoflowers and how much would it cost for 20/4 and 18/6 lighting Also how hot do you think it would be with that many cfls and i wouldnt be using a grow box im thinking of making something that doesnt have a top and only has three sides instead of 4.


Assuming an average of 60 watts for each oscillating fan which are only on during the light period.
1kW is consumed in 2.94 hours by using the CFLs --> Translates to 6.8 kW/day
1kW is consumed in ~5.5 hours by using the Fans --> Translates to 3.6 kW/day

For CFLs: ($0.0864kW/h)*(6.80) = $0.58752 per day
--> ($0.58752)*(7days)*(9weeks) = $37.01

For Fans: ($0.0864kW/h)*(3.6) = $0.31 per day
--> ($0.31)*(7days)*(9weeks) = $19.59

So you're looking at a cost of approximately $60 over the 9 weeks if you use the 20/4 light cycle. Note this will be highly depending on the wattage of the fans.

**Heat with that amount of wattage will become an issue, even with CFL's, so I advise you to ensure you have some kind of ventilation system if the plants are going to be kept in a small space.