How much


Well-Known Member
i've read about it and know the jist, like it has to be warm/dark/moist, needs something to grow on and then you just inject the spores? cant be that easy.


Well-Known Member
To do it right you need to spend some money and get some sterile environments going. I know a guy that has about 10 diff strains of mushies going and his lab looks like a damn science fiction movie. He even has those gloves built into the plexiglass so he can handle things.


Well-Known Member
lol, you can't kill anyone with shrooms... Use a substraight like brown rice flower or bird seed & water. Sounds like a deadly combination to me, lol. It is a lot more work than growing a plant yes but I would say the difficulty is about the same. They are so cool to watch growing. lil bastards go from a pin to a huge mushroom in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
ya, you have to spend a little bit of money, but again, nothing compaired to growing pot. you need a pressure cooker $20, steirile needles $1 / needle, bleach $2.50, canning jars $11 for 12, some polyfill $2 for more than you'll ever need, $15 rubbermaid, bread pans $3. so where up to ~$55. then depending on what method bird seed, vermiculite & coconut fiber, or just some brown rice flower & maybe some agar.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know of a good place to order a mushroom grow kit. I tried them one time but i got one of my migrain headaches right after taking them. Wow, that was one bad trip. I will not take that chance again because i suffer from migrains about every two weeks. But i do know a few people that like them. They only go for 25$ an 1/8th here.


Well-Known Member
well back to the brownies for a sec. i do the same thing as smokertoker as far as eating brownies at work for lunch then i just run around the rest of the afternoon in my own little happy, carefree world. now back to the shrooms. has anyone made tea with them? that had me trippin great! as for eating them i would agree with dr.greenthumb85 and say i like the chocolates!


Well-Known Member
I've made tea, but I also ate the same night. So I'm no help on that one. I've only had them cooked into fudge once, and the cook made them dry as F*ck, like no sugar at all just cocoa mix i think. I prefer chocolate rice crispy treats. Make a batch of treats, grab your 1/8 throw'm on top and have at it.