• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

How mutch?


New Member
Tehát az első kísérlet során 20 vetőmagból indítottam, 7ből sikeresen nőtt, de végül 5 növény maradt, amelyek egyike minden bizonnyal növekszik, a másik még nem került bemutatásra. Javítottam a talajt (kültéri) (Közép-Európában) viszonylag jó éghajlattal 60% -os féreghumusz + 40% nitrogén- és egyéb tápanyagban gazdag erdei talaj + perlit. Ástam egy kb. 50 cm mély és 40 cm széles gödöröt. Eddig nem volt probléma a tápanyagokkal, és most nincsenek apró hiányosságai.De azt akarom, hogy a lányok egészségesek és boldogok legyenek.
Így kaptam egy műtrágyát (volldünger linz)
NPK 14-7-21: Tudom, hogy ez jó étel a zöldségtől a szüretig. Készítettem törzsoldatot 1 liter vízre 100 g ételre, tehát növényenként 10 ml-es költségek jelentik, ami kb. 1 grammnak felel meg.
Az étrendet 8 naponként meg kell ismételni, de ez természetesen 10 ml-nél nagyobb mennyiségre vonatkozik

Tehát a kérdés az lenne, hogy hányszor adjak nekik, hogy ne legyen probléma, mivel ez nem kannabisz diéta, és hogy erre a 10 ml-es étrendre szükség van: 1 öntsünk egy liter vízre, vagy nem számít, mennyi vizet adok hozzá (kevesebb vizet értek


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't mind, I transplanted your question to English

So in the first experiment I started with 20 seeds, it grew successfully out of 7, but in the end there were 5 plants left, one of which will certainly grow, the other has not been introduced yet. I improved the soil (outdoor) (in Central Europe) with a relatively good climate 60% worm humus + 40% forest soil rich in nitrogen and other nutrients + perlite. I dug a ca. Pit 50 cm deep and 40 cm wide. So far there has been no problem with nutrients and now there are no small deficiencies. But I want the girls to be healthy and happy.

That's how I got a fertilizer (volldünger linz)
NPK 14-7-21: I know this is good food from vegetables to harvest. I made a stock solution for 1 liter of water per 100 g of food, so it costs 10 ml per plant, which is approx. Equivalent to 1 gram.
The diet should be repeated every 8 days, but this will of course apply to more than 10 ml

So the question would be how many times should I give them so there would be no problem as this is not a cannabis diet and whether this 10 ml diet is needed: 1 pour a liter of water or no matter how much water I add (less I mean water

Volunger Link fertiliser

family of high-efficiency, multi-crop fertilizers. Water soluble fertilizer. Composition: 14% N + 7% P + 21% K + 1% Mg + 1% microparticles (B, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn) FIELDS OF APPLICATION In vegetables, ornamentals: When sowing or planting as a basic fertilizer 1-3 kg / m2, as a top fertilizer It can be applied to the soil in a dose of 1–1.5 kg / 100 m2 every 8–10 days, then irrigated, as a foliar fertilizer at a concentration of 0.3% in one pass with the plant protection works. It can be applied by drip irrigation at a concentration of 0.2-0.33 g / l, every 7-10 days. In orchards and vineyards: It is advisable to apply the major part of the annual amount in the first third of the vegetation (between April and June). Spread and applied as a topsoil to the soil: 1.5–2 kg / 100 m2, as a foliar fertilizer in a dose of 3–5 kg / ha in one run with plant protection work. For feeding potted and leaf ornamental plants: At planting, in spring to water until flowering with 0.1% solution (one tablespoon per 10 liters of water) and then during flowering with watering with 0.05% solution (10 teaspoons per teaspoon of water). Packaging: 20 dkg box, 2 and 5 kg plastic bags, 10 and 25 kg plastic bags All members of the Volldünger® product family contain the most important nutrients in a state that is easily absorbed by the plant. Due to their composition and easy handling, they can be well integrated into nutrient replenishment programs, so they are effective tools for harmonious plant nutrition. In addition, all fertilizers increase the chances of counteracting possible stress effects caused by environmental factors (eg drought tolerance).


Well-Known Member
Iron Butterfly

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, baby,
Don't you know that I love you?
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, honey,
Don't you know that I'll always be true?
Oh, won't you come with me
And take my hand?
Oh, won't you come with me
And walk this land?
Please take my hand!
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, baby,
Don't you know that I love you?
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, honey,
Don't you know that I'll always be true?
Oh, won't you come with me
And take my hand?
Oh, won't you come with me
And walk this land?
Please take my hand!
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, baby,
Don't you know that I love you?
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, honey,
Don't you know that I'll always be true?
Oh, won't you come with me
And take my hand?
Oh, won't you come with me
And walk this land?
Please take my hand!

What was the question again?


Well-Known Member
I hope you don't mind, I transplanted your question to English
I know I'm going to come off like an asshole for saying this, but I'm going to say it anyways... If this person wants help from a forum where everyone is speaking English, then it really isn't that difficult for them to use Google Translate to translate their question for the group. I translated one of their questions awhile back, answered them in English, and they replied to me in Hungarian, so they do know how to translate the text. Posting in another language here just makes it more difficult for people to help them and for others to learn from the conversation.