how often do i feed my babies?


i am growing first time outside, how often do i need to feed, and fertilize my plants? thank you for reading, thanks for any info.
also, i have good fertilizers for vegging and flowering, but what should i feed them if anything?


Well-Known Member
once they are established they shouldn't need much , once they start flowering they will need more. how long have they been outside, and are they in the ground or pots?


Well-Known Member
you need to water your plants every 3 or 4 days in the early morning or late afternoon. once the plant gets a lil older and stable and is in veggie mode you will have to water every 4 to 6 days depending on the rain. you may not have to water at all during rainy season depending on rainfall over the summer. you want to feed after they are a month old at 1/4 strength water them as needed and feed them half strength 3 weeks to a month later then once a month feed them full dosage. also read on mollasses. between feedings say you feed the 1st of every month on the 15th water with 2 tablespoons of molasses or syrup per 2 liters of water. you will get great results especially in flowering stage


they are in the ground, i planted the seeds directly into the prepared soil i have around my floating deck in my backyard, they have been in the ground since the very end of april, they are right around 20 in tall i trimmed the first sets of leaves after the first couple sets of fives were a few inces in the daytime when they are perked up they are around 15-20 inches in diameter, they look very healthy and well, and for about the last 2 weeks they have really been puttin off some skunk. when should they start to flower and get some decent buds? they were mystery seeds and im really curious to what they are going to look like, and also when will i know if any will be male?