How often do u give nutes


Active Member
:mrgreen:I am using the fox farm big grow 6 4 4 and fox farm tiger bloom 2 8 4 I use more big grow and a little tiger bloom for the strength of the plants, i don't put max in gallon of water, can i give this every watering or should i give everyother watering???


Well-Known Member
it seems alot of people here use nutes every other day, and some even every 3 days, but my plants seem to love daily nutes. I guess its all what works best for you, but I would say you can't really go wrong with every other day


Active Member
2 of them are 4 wks and 11 r 3 wks, i have been giving nutes, and they seem to like it, on the thread about what type of plant u can see the pics, Grim u replied to me on where it was a sativa or indica


Well-Known Member
oh ok i remember, if they love it no worrys jus dont over do, and in case u do feed with ph'd water, and soak em jsu in case u feed to mcuh :D good luck