How soon after cutting a clone should I wait to put on a 24hr CFL?


Active Member
Hi all,

I have recently taken a cutting near the bottom of my female and I've read that you should wait a few days to expose to constant light. I've had success with cloning in the past but I would like as much accurate info as possible for this stage. Thank you for reading.


Active Member
From what I've read CFL's should be fine. I took my first ever cutting yesterday morning and it's been under CFL's since (16 on 8 off), seems to be doing well...



Well-Known Member
I normally do clones in 24/0 right from the start, or if I have seeds germinating at the same time I set the timer to 18/6. Before transplanting them into the garden I also like to change the light cycle to match the outdoors. Especially if I'm transplanting in early March and I'm dealing with a sensitive strain that's prone to early flowering.