How soon can I start using PH down?


Active Member

I'm a total newbie to this and couldnt find an answer to this anywhere. Im growing in soil and PH of tab water here is 8.3
Can I start using PH down to adjust water to 6,5 for germination or is that to much for the young plants? If thats to much when is the safe time to introduce PH down to my plants. What could happen if I germinated seeds in PH adjusted water? ( Leaves twisting? yellowing? stunted growth?)
Thanks in advance for all your help!


Well-Known Member
hmm, you should be fine. the best advice i can give you though, go to HEB or something and just get a gallon of distilled water.
Tap water has chlorine and other chemicles that arent great for your plant and can render taste.

Goodluck! Duece.


Active Member
Thanks for a quick response. Unfortunately where I live distilled water is not always PH neutral. I've had one even at 5.6 ph. This cant be fault of ph meter because I bought ph buffer 7.0 and it read it correctly at 7.02.
Problem I'm having is twising of the leaves on 10 day old seedling. Any idea what can cause this? Im having problems with humidity. Its at only 32% and thats already with 5 wet towels. Could this be it? I have them under hps from the beginning but temp is at 28 C. so they should be fine or that will be too much and is caused by heat stress?


Active Member
I pre bottle all of my water prior to use. I place air pumps in a 6 gallon jug and let it sit for 48 hrs. This allows most of the chemicals added to the tap water to disapate, After this I then add my nutes to the water then check the ph. I grow in soil and keep it around 6.2-6.5, Your leaves could be twisting from the change in lights or if they have been transplanted into a high acid soil. I would give them all a good flush and wait a few weeks before adding any nutes back into the soil.

Good luck


Active Member
Thanks you guys for help. I have question I was hoping someone could answer. I started germinating seeds and watering sprouts using PH-ed water. I lowered the ph to 6.5 using PH down BLOOM solution from canna which contains phosphoric acid ( There is also Canna pH Down Grow which contains nitric acid-. The leaves on the sprouts started twisting yellowing and growing smaller and smaller. Does any1 know if Ph down Bloom is the reason this is happening?


Active Member
What type soil are you growing in? how old/young are your plants? I would start with a good flushing of the soil with ph adjusted water and wait a few days and see what they do. The roots may have just gone thru a bit of shock.
It all takes time. Keep track of what you are doing an go from there
Good luck

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Ph can mess you up if you don't watch what your doing. I almost lost my whole crop by not paying attention. Ph will lock your nutes out of your plant. Check out my thread on it Way to much ph up and try not to make the same mistake. I posted a couple of links in my thread to places to help diagnose sick plants..... good luck....:peace:

