How soon can you take clones?


Well-Known Member
hey guys/girls, considering you have a reasonably healthy plant, what is the earliest that you can take clones from her if your starting from seed? i have a 44 day old (showed her genitals)WW(nirvana) that i FIMed a little more than 2 weeks ago and is looking good. I want to start flowering asap but i want to save the genetics. I searched the FAQ's but it didn't say the earliest date in there, well i couldn't find it anyways. Thanks for your kind replies ppl. :peace::peace::mrgreen::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'd say your good to go bro. 44 days seems plenty
yes, they look very cloneable(if thats a word, email help me out on this one :) im horrible at spelling). The FIMing helped give me a bunch of nice ones too.... i think ill give it a shot tonight and wait for a week b4 i 12/12 than in two weeks if i focked up with the clones, the WW "mother" will only be a week into 12/12 and if i take more clones, they shouldnt have to revert back to veg growth that much with only 7 days of 12/12... yep yep... thanks mr.limpet, much obliged to you.


Well-Known Member
uh yea man i like to give my new mothers 6-8 weeks b4 i take clones
opps.... thanks for you kind replies guys.... ya i ended up taking the clones and putting the timer to 8/16(for half a week, than to 12/12) to help induce flowering on my 46 day old plant. umm ya i know that its recommended to wait 2 months or till they are 24 inches tall to start cutting, but i really dont want tall plants bceause im limited on space and time.... hopefully the clones will root and be healthy and i wont have to worry about this anymore. i took more than enough clones, so just in case half of them dont root, ill be st8 with the other half. yep yep... ill keep you guys updated if you want.... should be able to tell if they took root in 10 days or so..... :peace::peace::peace::mrgreen::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
top plants to make em grow bushier and shorter. i top mine in week 3 of grow
Hey jay cas, thanks for stopping by again...... ya in my first post i wrote "i FIMed a little more than 2 weeks ago and is looking good." to keep them shorter and give me better/more clones. yep now she is going to flower and i will have, hopefully, 3 more clones to take her place, and do a small scale SOG. CANT WAIT FOR 2 MONTHS TILL I SMOKE THE BIATCH.... AHHHHH... LOL i would like to try lowrider 2 and see whats thats all about, 8-9 weeks from start to finish.... mmmmhhh sounds good... anyone know where i can get the cheapest LR2 seeds, hook a brother up!:peace::peace::peace::mrgreen::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Ill take clones as soon as i can to top the plant and increase tops. Ill clone as early as 6 inches tall, as long as the plant has alternate nodes to sprout more tops and is healthy. Keeping clones alive is tough at first. The trick is keeping the humidity really high but not letting your medium get soggy wet. I do this with a styrofoam cooler with painters plastic draped over the top. The Bottom of the cooler has a quarter inch of water and the clones are kept on a raised platform so they dont touch the water. The clones are sprayed once well and covered. Put a floro on top and your good. Just mist once a day for the first week, leave it closed for the next week and dont touch it. By day 10 you can uncover a corner so the clones dont get moldy and rot.