How stealth does my spot sound?


Active Member
Hey guys its my first time growing and i found this nice island in a forest by my house which i figure is hard to get to cause its surrounded on either side by 20 meters of strong river current. It is possible for me to cross which i was planning on doing by bringing wading boots and walking acoss each time then hiding my boots when i leave. However the forest is well known and lots of people go there daily do you experienced outdoor growers think this spot sounds safe to grow about 15 plants?


Well-Known Member
no idea

i once grw one at the local motorbike track successfully where i thouht someone would take it for sure


Well-Known Member
Hey guys its my first time growing and i found this nice island in a forest by my house which i figure is hard to get to cause its surrounded on either side by 20 meters of strong river current. It is possible for me to cross which i was planning on doing by bringing wading boots and walking acoss each time then hiding my boots when i leave. However the forest is well known and lots of people go there daily do you experienced outdoor growers think this spot sounds safe to grow about 15 plants?
Well, lots of people go lots of places daily and don't really see a goddamned thing around them. If you can spread your plants here and there among the natural plants, you'll reduce chance of someone seeing them.

A couple of things: Are people going to start wondering why this same guy keeps going out there all the time? That could spark interest...

And, if it's an island in a river, it likely floods during storms and such. The debris carried by these flood flows will shave everything to the ground. Pine trees are a good sign that the site is high enough to not flood regularly. If it's all oaks, maples, willows etc., probably won't get thru a full season without flooding and damage.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys its my first time growing and i found this nice island in a forest by my house which i figure is hard to get to cause its surrounded on either side by 20 meters of strong river current. It is possible for me to cross which i was planning on doing by bringing wading boots and walking acoss each time then hiding my boots when i leave. However the forest is well known and lots of people go there daily do you experienced outdoor growers think this spot sounds safe to grow about 15 plants?
Oh, and I'm not an experienced outdoor grower, but I've been doing outdoor education for about 15 years, so I have a good idea of what people see and don't see when they're in nature.


Well-Known Member
also places where theres razor grass generally means an abundance of water underground and your plant shouldnt get starved for water as quick :)


Active Member
Great thanks for the replys thats helpfull i dont think there will be much of an issue with people spotting me going to the island because im planning on going there mostly by night and very rarely in the day when i do go during the day time i will take extra care not to be seen. I will have to go back and take another look at the spot and keep your advice in mind about the type of trees on the island i cant really remeber at the moment if it was pine trees i saw growing there. The island is about 70 meters wide if i planted right in the middle i may be safe from flooding but i guess that would all depend on how much rain i get in my area and such.


Active Member
well everything sounds good, just dont use flash lights when nearing the spot. move with the light of the moon. i have been growing in the swamps around houses here in SC for years . if you do go during the day, bring a fishing rod.. chill out before and after checking on plants. bring some grass and enjoy nature

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Hey guys its my first time growing and i found this nice island in a forest by my house which i figure is hard to get to cause its surrounded on either side by 20 meters of strong river current. It is possible for me to cross which i was planning on doing by bringing wading boots and walking acoss each time then hiding my boots when i leave. However the forest is well known and lots of people go there daily do you experienced outdoor growers think this spot sounds safe to grow about 15 plants?
I did exactly that same thing in a park near my house two years ago, and I think I'll do it again this year. I only went out at night. It worked great. I think I was probably the only person to set foot on that island all summer, even though it was only a hundred yards from some of the busiest foot paths in the whole local park system.