How strong is UV radiation by double ended HID lamps? (eyes, plastics)


Active Member
I wondered how much ultra violet radiation is there in double ended HID or HID lamps in general? I already have glasses, but how about my plastic stuff in that room, will it degrade like when in the sun outside?
e.g. I can buy a switch box in uv stable plastic and a not uv resistant plastic. But is the lamp comparable to the sun?
What Taco said is correct. I worked in mfg. (molding and compounding) of thermoplastics for most my life and the sun is plastic's enemy. That said many office equipment manufacturers do use UV inhibitors compounded into the polymer if it's under artificial (office) light 16-24 hours a day. It's used to help with color shifts also. Hard plastics aren't much of a problem but you get into elastomers then you see rapid UV degradation of physical properties if exposed to sun light for long periods of time.
I dont think theres a lot but you should definately take a piece of cheap plastic, cut it in 2, leave 1 half in your grow room and 1 half outside (out of rain) and see the difference after the summer. I think the sun will do more damage (if your in a sunny climate) but itd be cool to see