how tall should i veg my vortex?


Well-Known Member
well thats kind of hard to determine to be exact but i would veg to about half that height, maybe a tad taller than half.


Active Member
depends on how your training it.... I ran mine twice... As a single cola.. i'd go with what dro said. Running it as a topped bush she probably only gained about 50% in flower put in at around 14 and finished at around 21-22". So double that. Then again a different pheno could stretch different than mine, or anyone elses for that matter.


I've done vortex in soil, coco, Dwc, and am now in the process of growing it in a recirculating Dwc. The vortex has always started in the small/medium side. I usually veg for 4-8 weeks and have never really seen the vortex get more than 2x in size. Dairy Queen on the other hand usually gets at least 3x in size. Both have amazing resin production and out of this world aromas.


Active Member
I will add that vortex from seed likes to stretch a bit but from clyone they are much shorter. Some nice LST(low stress training) should work nicely. Work the stems gently downward and bend the heads under themselves to help teach the plant to stay low for nice node spacing and an even canopy. The importance of this is so that you achieve those dense buds your aiming for. Plus the plant can sense gravity. That means if you have one branch that is higher than the rest, the plant will put most of its budding effort into that branch to catch pollen. An evenly trained plant will result in a flat canopy of big solid nugget. Ganj tip of the day keep it dank!!
^ awesome tip man! Ive got some vortex going too, was curious as to high tall to veg it? its about 2 feet now. she's tied down like the kracken.